Visionary Architecture


11. Moving topography of the water
Future Seoul's Han River is a flexible terrain that is open to the public indefinitely, transforming into a water park blurring the boundary between water and the city.We suggest constructing a living topography that accommodates an infinite matrix space that can be changed and grown...

10. Reverse City, where roads become cities
Imagine a new urban system that completely reverses existing urban structures. It starts from the premise that roads for transportation can be empty spaces that can change cities.A building full of programs is solid, and a road system for transportation is void, an idea that reverses these...

09. Moving Metaverse City
건축이 고정된 장소에 놓여있는 것이 아니라 원하는 곳 어디든 이동하며 자리를 잡을 수 있다는 것은 많은 건축가들의 상상력을 자극하였다. 이 상상력은 도시적 스케일로도 확장되었고, 도시를 움직이는 상황을 능동적으로 제안한 사건도 있었다. 건축물이 유기체처럼...


08. Blooming City
현대의 도시는 유클리드 기하학처럼 잘 조직된 질서를 만들어내는 것을 목표로 하고 있어서 이성적이고 합리적인 체계를 만들어내기를 원하고 있다. 그 합리성은 도시의 감성과 여유를 한편으로 상쇄시켰고 비인간적인 체계를 담아낸 냉소적인 구조를 담고 있는지 모른다...

07. Earth Nature Museum
As mankind becomes more civilized and developed, the traces of civilization also mean ruins from the perspective of the environment. What is called civilization by future demands now creates dead urban places and spaces. Due to climate change and the depletion of nature...

"Theater Contour", 2006

06. Air Purification Street
코로나19가 전세계를 덮치기 이전부터 기후변화의 문제는 특히 공기오염의 문제는 중요한 이슈가 되었다. 경제협력개발기구의 2015년 초미세먼지 노출도 조사에서 한국은 32ug/m3으로 35개국 가입국가중에 1위를 했다. 1998년이후 17번의 조사에서 한국은 12번이나 1위를 했고...

heaterContour", 2006

05. Land for Sale
코로나이후의 아파트 - 땅을 분양하는 집합주거코로나 바이러스는 생물의 호흡기를 감염시키는 바이러스로 감염자의 기침이나 재치기, 콧물등에서 나온 비말에 실려 퍼지는데 문제는 비말이 너무 가벼워 바닥에 가라앉지 않고...

04. Driving City
The era of moving houses has come. In the 1920s, railway construction in a residential area around Lake Saskatoon in Canada threatened to destroy the town. Local residents have struggled to protect their communities. People carried houses and shops on horse-drawn sledges and moved...

03. Transformer Plaza
The plaza, which has been emptied as a perfect pedestrian space by removing the road space for cars, hides the space composed of certain modules in the lower part of the plaza and moves the plaza through vertical movement by applying a spatial system such as a stage device....

02. Kit trailer for Disaster
Recently, the frequency of major disasters has been increasing. Thousands of people are losing their homes due to natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes caused by climate change, the outbreak of new viruses such as Corona and MERS, and the outbreak of refugees due to war...


01. Lifestyle Apartment
As COVID-19 has become an untact era that minimizes exchanges with people, personal space containing individual life is becoming important. Away from the collective housing with a uniform space, imagine a housing in which various dwelling space reflecting individual lifestyles...

ⓒ2024 Unsangdong Architects